
The Trad Wife

Look for the full video on This Humble Homestead’s social media pages.

The idea of a Traditional Wife (or Trad Wife as it’s often called) has become quite unpopular—that is, in some circles. Even among some of the more conservative groups I have found this to be true. We live in a time where it’s challenging to make anyone happy. It would seem that if you’re on the side of feminism you would, or at least should, feel that women can make the choice to be and do whatever it is that they want. That was the point of feminism, right? To allow women the opportunity to choose how to live their lives, unleashed to someone else’s ideal way of life. Because of Women’s Suffrage, women can vote. Women can work outside of the home, which became more a more popular push in the 60’s and 70’s. Now in the 21st century, there are working women everywhere, making it just as common as men going to work. It’s normal for our society now. 

But let’s circle back to the idea of a trad wife in this society now. One hundred years ago this was normal. Now, the same women pushing feminism, crying “women’s rights,” and wanting women to be able to do anything they want to do are criticizing, name calling, and making fun of women and men who want to live and raise their families in the traditional way of life. As if a women choosing the role of traditional wife within her family and home is unacceptable. 

In the past week, my husband and I have been harassed by just such women, I dare not call them ladies as they have proven themselves unworthy of that. At my husband’s suggestion, I posted a video of my morning routine before he goes to work. I like helping him with little things in the morning that make his process of getting ready a little easier. It also gives him time to spend with me, since he doesn’t need to do all the extra things. I love it. I love helping him. I love knowing that he and I can share a couple moments in the quiet of the morning before he has to go. I hate that he leaves. I miss him. So this is our time together. And at the same time, since my love language is acts of service, I am showing him I love him. 

The amount of criticism, scolding, and mocking both of us received from this was absolutely insane. I heard several times, “You’re setting us back decades!” Yes, there are many who agree with us. But if you are on the side of “women’s rights” why don’t those of us who love to live the traditional lifestyle get to continue doing so? Hypocrisy runs deep within feminism. 

As if their negativity would change my mind. On the contrary, there seems to be even more of a need for women who live the trad life to come forward, boldly encouraging others to do the same if by nothing else but the example we set for others. The traditional family is the backbone of a healthy society, the opposite of what is being forced down our throats today. Everything I do for my husband is an act of love, not something asked or demanded of me. This isn’t slavery or forced servanthood, it’s a real, loving marriage. Marriage is a LIFELONG commitment to my husband and to God. I take that very seriously. So, while some may frown on the idea of traditional roles in a marriage, our family and many others thrive on it. We are the reason why our world will continue on long past the era of the lonely, anti-family, sterilized, woke-loving feminists of our time.

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