

Lambing time has come! On Christmas Day I noticed that one of our sheep was definitely pregnant. So exciting! Lambs are so cute and fun. Based on our only other lambing experience this year (and ever) I thought we had about three to four weeks left. But just two days later, this sweet girl was born. 

The girls went out to do morning chores and they came back holding a sweet lamb, who was later named Scamper. And scamper she does! She has added a little bit more fun to our flock. Hope, her mama, has been very good to her which is nice to see after two of our goats rejected their kids. Mama and baby walk around together. Scamper nurses and then watches Hope, Winter, and Henry eat grass. She buries her pink nose deep down in he grass and licks it with her spotted tongue. 

There is something so peaceful about a mama and a baby. I’m loving these moments. And I’m pretty sure that Miss Winter is expecting another little lamb soon too, but we’ll have to wait just a few weeks more to be sure. I’m hoping for twins! 

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