Today is the first day of our pool reconstruction. Our impossible to clean pool. And you’ll see why. Our pool is a fiberglass pool. When the previous pool refinishers refinished the pool ( 🙂 ), they did a not-so-good job. They put the wrong kind of coating on the pool, causing cracks and, let’s face it, mad chaos to ensue! If you look closely, you’ll notice that even the light at the far end of the pool has fallen out. One day I came outside and it was literally hanging out of its home in the wall. There are crazy holes and cracks all over the place. The cracks make it impossible to rid the pool of algae and even black mold (*gasp* MOLD!). Gross. But today, Scott rented a submersion sump pump to suck all the water out. And that’s where we are for today. Tomorrow he’ll be a pressure washing maniac, getting it ready for an acid wash and cementing over cracks and holes, with some help from his dad.