
{My Handy Hubby} The Laptop Crisis Averted!

We don’t have a trampoline.  Sometimes the girls will jump on their beds (which isn’t allowed in our house, but I can’t stand in the way of fun all the time), but perhaps bed jumping just isn’t enough.  Before we go to sleep, sometimes Scott and I will write while in bed–him on his laptop, me on mine.  When he gets sleepy, he might just put his computer on the floor (crazy man!).  I have a little lap table I use, which I set in a corner with the computer still on it before going to bed.  This is all relevant  I promise.  Not once, but twice now I’ve caught two children (each on a separate occasion) mid-jump on my computer.  Why? Why, darling children, must you jump on old lappy?  The second time did my dear writing buddy in.  Oh it still worked just fine, but the screen was hanging off of the bottom.  I used it for a few weeks.  I couldn’t close it and its positioning was quite temperamental, but it worked.  Until the screen itself just started coming apart.  Apparently the brackets that hold the whole thing together were badly bent.  And when Laelia decided to slam it shut…*sigh*DSC_0256DSC_0257DSC_0262DSC_0260DSC_0258

Scott, my super handy hubby, “hopped” onto Google (maybe that’s where they get it) and started figuring out how to fix the computer.  It was taken apart, given a new LCD, screen casing, and brackets, and now my friend is back in action!  Don’t forget, my DIY friends, that you can DIY more than just home improvement.  Computer repairs can be relatively painless and inexpensive.  This could’ve warranted a new computer, which would’ve costed us at least hundreds of dollars, but thanks to my smart husband, it was a repair that ended up costing $85 and a little bit of time and expertise.DSC_0264

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