
Teaching History in Our Homeschool

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We don’t teach mainstream, traditional history in our homeschool and here are 4 reasons why. 


History books have been found to be inaccurate in many ways. I’m talking about historical facts that have been completely omitted or covered up to boost the pride of historical figures or to cover up or invent terrible atrocities that have happened throughout time in order to make individuals or people groups look innocent and victimized.


History is recorded with personal bias. He who wins the war writes the history book, right? So how can we be sure we’re teaching truth to our children?


Those with vested interests, money, and political sway have changed the text books to benefit their story and to direct the minds of others. Many times in history someone is made to take the fall for the wrong doings of others. We see this in current times as gaslighting offers a way out for people in power or people with money.


We’re told what to believe and not allowed to challenge or question it lest people groups get offended. In one instance we have the USS Liberty. Dead men tell no tales, but in this case several living witnesses have spoken truth for years and have been silenced in order to keep the truth of the unnecessary instigation of a war quiet. 

We brush over certain aspects of history, but I prefer to steer clear of anything circulating within our education system. 

Just a few of the questions we should be asking (there are thousands more):

How will Biden be portrayed with the withdrawal from Afghanistan?
How will Zelensky be recorded for future generations to see?
If there are so many discrepancies in the USS Liberty story, why are witnesses silenced?
Why don’t we learn about the atrocities that Christians endured during the Holodomor?
What really happened when the Titanic sank?
The moon landing?
Israel vs. Palestine?

And this is just recent history…

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