
Popcorn Harvest

This year we planted popcorn.  I have always wanted to plant popcorn and because of it’s location in the garden, the chickens left it alone….one of the only things they left alone.  Last week we harvested the corn.  We didn’t have many ears and they didn’t get very big, but that didn’t matter to us.  It was exciting enough just to successfully grow popcorn!


As you can see in the picture, not much else remains in our garden…except for weeds.  Summer is not a big growing time in Florida.  We are in the middle of nothing but heat and stormy weather for the next few months.  But when autumn comes we will go again!


The corn dried for a week, still on the cob.  And today we pulled the corn off one by one, into a bowl.  Little fingers do a great job at this part.  Look at those teeny tiny pieces of corn that didn’t develop all the way.  They’re so small!  Laelia had already pulled some off here.  I forgot to take a before picture….oops!



Then we popped it on the stove.


There was much excitement for a while, followed by silence as every one crunched and munched our first popcorn harvest.  I think we know what will be in our garden plans for the fall planting season!



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