

There is something about turning 3 that transforms each child.  Those sweet and agreeable little faces become very opinionated and frequently distempered.  They are working hard to become someone.  Who? They do not yet know.  But they are working.  Sometimes this comes at the cost of sadness and sometimes physical pain of those around the almost 3 year old.  Time outs become more frequent, as do discussions about what is kind and what is not, and how in our house we only do what is kind and loving to others.  It is a process.  And it can be quite exhausting.


As the youngest (with each I’ve noticed), I think they find that they need to exert themselves a little more than the oldest did at that age.  But with this age also comes a wonderful need to explore.  It is calming.  It is centering.  It brings him back to a moment where he can be free to think on his own without being guided by those who often “help” him on his way.


We discover our own footprints.


We take turns noticing lizards scurrying off quickly.


Rockets are created out of pinecones.


Puddles are conquered.


It is here that peace is found, and a connection to his own environment is enriched.  It is here that he finds little pieces of himself and growth occurs.  My sweet little boy will soon be 3.  His changes are precious and these quiet moments rare.  I pray that he finds strength and wisdom as his character builds and he discovers who he is.


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