We may have lost a pool in the move, but we’ve gained a pond. I was quite sad at the thought of not having a pool in Florida, but we haven’t missed it in the least. (Check back with me in July though, just to be sure. I may have a different response for you.) Pond life has added a new adventure for us. On occasion the girls will put on their swim suits and go for a swim. We’ve gone fishing a couple times. Reed enjoys throwing things into it. Anything really, but we try to keep him occupied with the hundreds of pinecones and sticks available for chucking in the water. Sometimes we even get visitors. No alligators yet, but we’ve had some egrets, cranes, storks, and even otters.
Today was a fun day for the kids. They enjoy watching the fish swim. The minnows are so close to the edge and, with their boots on, they can wade out to try and catch them. And that’s what they did today. For a couple of hours they played at the edge of the pond, trying to catch some fish in their bowls and jars. It was such a beautiful day to splash–not warm enough for a swim though much to their dismay. And it brought me back to my childhood when my brother and I would play at the creek, catching the crawfish and minnows that swam there. We’d splash in the water and throw stones. I feel entirely blessed that my children can experience life with their feet plunged into the muddy water, chasing minnows, and adventuring together.