
I am thankful for…

DSC_6595I am thankful for so many things.  So many in fact, that I thought I’d make a list.  There are just so many things that I want to note, although I’ll never capture them all.  

I am thankful for…

My babies.  My sweet, sweet little babies.  Oh dear.  I couldn’t say enough about how thankful I am for them.

My loving husband, who works hard for our family all the time and gives me big, strong, warm hugs

Hugs and kisses from chubby arms and faces

Snuggling my babies to sleep, followed by arms and legs flopping over me in the night.  Family beds aren’t for everyone, but I’m so glad we chose to have one.  These moments last such a short time!

Giggles coming from the next room

Willow’s dirty fingers holding a squirming frog

The cheep cheep of baby chicks


The most loving inlaws anyone could ever ever ask for 

Laelia’s smiling eyes as she tells me something important

Fuzzy puppy fur snuggling close

Chloe’s happy heart, always willing to help and serve and put my feelings in front of her own 

Chasing after babies

Daily calls from my mother

Helping hands, no matter how tiny

The sound of trickling water in the pond out back

Fires on a cool night

A warm, freshly laid egg from the hens

Family visits

Long walks on the trails

Reed’s naked bum as we work on going potty

A renewed relationship with my dad, which I will treasure always

My brother who calls me regularly and who I miss bunches!

Our wonderful, fantastic church family–so very loving and kind


New friends and old friends

Comfy pants

Mango sorbet

Rock climbing

Forgiveness given by God that I don’t deserve, but for which I will forever be grateful

Quiet mornings

The numerous blessings I am leaving out



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