

Well, the time has come for this happy family to move on to a new house.  If you know us, then you know we need space to roam free.  To plant a giant garden.  To get more chickens and rabbits.  Maybe a few goats and other animals.  We made the decision to put our house on the market, so the last several months have been a whirlwind of repairs and fixer-upper projects.  Just little things mainly, but my goodness did it take a lot out of us.  But the hard work has paid off.  It’s hard to believe our time in this home is over.  Laelia was only 8 days old when we moved here.  And Mr. Reed was born in the living room just last year.  This house is overflowing with love.  How could it not be with these four precious children living in it?!


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I had so much packing help, which was great because it can be stressful packing up a house when you have a deadline.  But my little packers chipped in and worked hard to help their mama.


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Our time in this home is over, but we are so excited for the plans God has for us.  The journey of selling our home was an amazing journey of faith.  I have no doubt that God worked out everything exactly as He wanted it to be.  Which makes me know that the next steps in our lives will be the same way.  We are so very grateful for all God has blessed and privileged us with and all that He allows us to share with others.photo

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