
{My Handy Hubby} Pool Progress Report – Days 5-10

The pool has reached its “curing” time.  Today is the day to fill it!  Scott put the hose in it and it wasn’t long before 3 little girls were begging to experience their newly refurbished pool…DSC_0354 DSC_0346 DSC_0348 DSC_0352

They even skimmed out all the leaves and things that had already dirtied up the pool.  The rain alone gave us a whole 12 inches of rain in the deep end.  I like when God waters the gardens and fills the pool a little for me.  🙂

In the next couple weeks, Scott will be repainting the deck.  He’s going to make it more of a sandy color.  White can be quite blinding in the summertime and I find myself squinting a lot out here.  The inevitable crows feet don’t need any early invitations!  I plan to spruce up our gardens inside the lanai.  They need a little freshening too.  🙂

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