I suppose school bells have been ringing for quite a while, but today is a fun day for me! I just got in the mail Chloe’s 1st grade curriculum. I decided to order it early because with the baby coming, I want to be completely ready to begin in the fall and maybe a little earlier. I don’t know why I’m so excited about it this time. Perhaps I’m happy for her that she gets to move on and grow and learn. I also love being a part of it. We use the Enki Education curriculum, which is so wonderful for our family. Their curriculum for all grades is woven throughout each part of our day and transitioned so beautifully that this integration makes learning easy and organic and fun!
Here is my giant box of materials.
It doesn’t include all the extras (art supplies and some learning materials), some of which we already have, but some we still need.
And it comes with a ton of homework for me, which I have already started (very ambitiously I might add). I am in this zone where everything needs to be orderly and very organized (most likely because I am a week away from the 3rd trimester). I think this will be another area that must be “perfect” before my sweet boy makes his appearance. So, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be getting back to it…. 🙂